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Directories (150)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
_A Politically-Corrected Cabi2   _Bill's Barber Shop_3   _It's the Focus, Stupid_3
_L_ station moon god mural2   _L_ station vertical risers2   _One on One_ with Bob Dole2
_Tax the Rich_3   07_19_ JFK Jr. and wife Carolyn2   1_13 Listing of Library2
10_29_ Crew strapped in seats2   10_29_ Discovery astronauts2   10_29_ Space shuttle Discovery2
10_30_ Fire burns on2   10_30_ Fire flares upward2   10_30_ Fire ravages on2
10_30_ Firefighters fight fire2   11_04_ Carol Mosely-Braun2   11_04_ Fitzgerald celebrates2
11_04_ George Ryan wins2   11_04_ Glenn Poshard2   11_04_ Jessie _The Body_ Ventura2
18th St. _L_ station2   1982_ Bernardin meets the masses2   7_10_ Kwan the gorilla2
7_3_ 4th of July fireworks2   A brand new zebra_ JPG2   A Nation of Strangers_ Day 1 GIF2
A Nation of Strangers_ Day 4 GIF2   About Jeff MacNelly2   About Political Cartoon Galle2
About Richard Locher2   Aerial view of Levittown - JPG2   An Inauguration Scene3
An intense Michael Jordan2   Ancient history2   Ash Wednesday2
Atom bomb test site, WW22   Bernardin helps parish mark 75th2   Betty Furness TV ad - JPG2
Bill (& Hillary) Take the Oat3   Bill & Hillary Make Plans3   Binti-Jua, hero gorilla - BMP2
Binti-Jua, hero gorilla - JPG2   Black fighter squadron, WW22   Black Soldiers Squadron - GIF2
Boat rescues seaman - JPG2   Boris & Me3   Bosnia3
Buckingham Fountain JPEG2   Building the autobahn - JPG2   Bulls can't face loss - JPG2
Captured V2 Rocket - GIF2   Caray Funeral2   Celebrating Michael's return2
Chicago Lakefront - JPG2   Chicago Skyline - BMP2   Chicago skyline - JPG2
Children led in to pay respects2   City Hall bas-relief -- BMP2   Cooking up the Health Care Pl2
Copyright and Reprints Policy2   Courtney Love at Lollapalooza2   CSHOW_ V8.6a Graphic Viewer (PC)2
Daley speaks at Navy Pier2   Eddie Vedder gets horizontal2   Epcot Center2
Eric Clapton - Live!! - GIF2   Evolution of _Tax and Spend_2   FDR signs the GI Bill - GIF2
Fighting the Foreign Policy F3   Fireworks over Navy Pier2   Four men in a tub - GIF2
Frank Sinatra - GIF2   Gary Suter, Hawks - JPG2   Giant Sucking Sound3
GIFConverter 2.3.2 (Mac)2   Heat haze over Chicago - JPG2   How to View Cartoon Graphic F2
If GIF Can't Be Viewed2   Israel's history_ A timeline2   Jordan and Shaq - JPG2
Jordan returns with No. 23 - jpg2   Jordan sinks one in - JPG2   Jordan_ The tongue is back2
Lipizzan horse performance - JPG2   Lisa Lopes of TLC2   Louis Farrakan - JPG2
Louis Farrakan #2 - JPG2   Making the tough decisions3   Manatee with calf2
Map of new area codes - GIF2   Mark Grace slides home - JPG2   Mayor Daley's victory speech - G2
Medics in Burma, WW2 series2   Michael's winning smile2   Mir station drifts away - JPG2
MJ and Bugs Bunny - JPG2   Mourners gather near Holy Name2   Navy Pier attractions graphic2
Navy Pier ribbon cutting2   New area codes at a glance2   New Star - JPG2
No. 23 up for the shot - jpg2   Orlando Skyline Shuttle Launc2   Patriotic Pooch2
Paula Jones JPEG2   Pearl Jam with Eddie Vedder2   Pennsylvania Turnpike - JPG2
Philip Morrison, WW22   Placido Domingo - GIF2   Politically-Corrected Cabinet2
Portrait of Hillary Clinton2   Princess Diana in Chicago2   PSP_ V2.01 Paint Shop Pro2
Recalling FDR's funeral train2   Reinventing Government - II2   Residents recall Levittown - JPG2
Retroactive tax increases3   Rodman billboard portrait - JPG2   Rozonda Thomas of TLC2
Scottie Pippen celebrates - JPG2   Shuttle Columbia launch (STS-2   Skyline Shuttle Launch-COLOR GIF2
Snow Hits Chicago2   Solo Challenger2   Space Shuttle landing (STS-622
Space shuttle_Mir station - JPG2   State of the Union applause2   State of the Union--First Lady2
State of the Union--inside joke2   STS-65 Columbia launch-COLOR GIF2   Testing the Tax Bill2
The Andrews Sisters - JPG2   The Deficit2   The Lion King Show (GIF)2
The Oriental Theater comeback2   The Transition3   Tionne Watkins of TLC2
Toni Kukoc slam dunk - JPG2   Truman and Eisenhower - JPG2   Truman and Roosevelt - JPG2
V2 rocket engine, WW22   Vietnam bicyclist2   Violinist Rachel Barton performs2
Violinist Rachel Barton returns2   Von Braun Brothers, WW22   What is a GIF and how do I us2
Where are the Sports Graphics2   World Cup - Bernal (COLOR GIF)2   World Cup - Bonner (COLOR GIF)2

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
url.txt Text File 1 15b 2014-12-11